Who Are the Archangels? Learn Archangel Names and Meanings (2024)

The Archangels- Who Are They and What Can They Help You With?

Who Are the Archangels? Learn Archangel Names and Meanings (1)The Archangels are magnificent spiritual beings who vibrate with an incredible light and frequency. Each Archangel illuminates specific attributes and qualities of Creator, God, and of All That Is through the immense Divine Light and love they carry.

The Archangels serve according to Divine will within the Heavens and on Earth, and their missions are often closely intertwined with helping humanity, because of this, their presence has been documented in many of the worlds religions.

What is an Archangel?

Archangels exist outside of any one religion or culture, and they exist outside of time and space. They are able to view reality, including our past, present and future as one stream of energy within the present moment, which enables them to offer powerful guidance and enlightening new perspectives.

Archangels can appear to different people in locations across the world, all at the same time. They are great beings of light and unconditional love who coordinate and oversee guardian angels, guides, and other angels who provide help to us on Earth. Archangels project the light of the Divine and the energy of unconditional love always.

Archangels are highly evolved spiritual beings of the light, who are more than willing to offer their love, guidance, healing,and support whenever we ask, but will not interfere without our permission.

How to Call Upon Archangels

There is no one way to properly connect with or evoke the Archangels, but one thing is certain, by increasing your vibration first and learning to open your subtle and psychic senses you’re far more likely to connect with the high vibrational energy of the Archangels in a meaningful way.

Most of the channeled messages I share on this site are with Archangels. Click the links below to learn more about the specific Archangels and connect with their uplifting and empowering angel messages.

How Many Archangels Are There?

There are far more Archangels than most people realize. Archangel Michael has recently shared with me that there are not tens or even hundreds of Archangels… But rather Thousands.

So while you can find many articles online saying there are 7 Archangels, or 12 Archangels…

Know that the reality, is there are far more Archangels serving behind the scenes. The most commonly known Archangels are those referenced in religious texts, and those whose missions most regularly interface with humanity.

Here are the names of some of the Archangelic Light Beings I’ve personally met and worked with:

Archangels Names

Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel is the Archangel of communication, new beginnings, and strength.

When called upon Gabriel will bring you inspiring divine messages to assist you in finding your highest calling.

Gabriel also works closely with authors, teachers, artists, councilorsand more!

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Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron is a Divine record keeper and a powerful spiritual teacher.Often called the“Angel of Life” Metatronoffers a link between Heaven and Earth and works around the clock to help those who are ready and willing, align with their highest and best possible path.

Metatron can help you release what no longer serves you, so that you can tap into your inner connection with pure light..

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Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is a powerful Archangel of protection.

Michael oversees guardian angels, and he will help you to release lower energies of fear or worry, so that you can open to experience the incredible love and light of the Angelic Ream, and live a fun, fulfilling and passionate life.

Archangel Michael is one of the easiest Archangels to hear, and also one of the most known.

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Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is the main archangel who oversees healing for living beings on Earth.

He is a well know and incredibly powerful angelic being, who is ready, willing and waiting to connect with you directly if you so desire. Through the powerful divine guidance from Archangel Raphael, you can learn to activate and use your bodies innate ability to heal itself.

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Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel is well known as the “Lioness of God”, as this is the direct translation of the name Ariel, or Arael in Herbew.

But there’s more to Ariel, who is a powerful Archangel of abundance, happiness,and nature.

Ariel closely works with animals, and the realms of nature and helps those whose missions are aligned with helping animals and the environment.

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Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel is an Archangel of energy, vitality, and passion for life.

When called upon, Archangel Haniel will cleanse and transmit all worry and lower vibrations back into love with her blue orb of healing light.

Archangel Haniel can also help you to awaken your psychic and spiritual abilities like energy healing, clairvoyance, intuition and inner strength.

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Archangel Orion

Orion is like the galactic Archangel… He is an incredibly powerful, cosmic, and love filled guide from the Celestial Realms.

Archangel Orionoffers powerful help with energy clearing, protection, releasing dark or negative energy (or entities), and on the lighter side he will help you to open to receive and understand the vast beauty, magic and high vibrational frequency present now.

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Archangel Jophiel

Jophiel is a wonderful ally to call upon when you need help seeing the beauty within and around you.

Archangel Jophiel will help you to shift your perspective from focusing on what is wrong and bad, into seeing the positives, beauty and magic that is all around you.

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Archangel Muriel

Archangel Muriel is a powerful and yet gentle Archangel of peace and harmony who oversees emotions, and intuition, with unconditional love and compassion.

Archangel Muriel helps all who call upon her, but is especially connected to those who are empathic, or struggling with emotions. Muriel also assist individuals who are ready to open up intuitively to the next level.

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Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel’s name means “the Light of God,” and she is often depicted with an open hand… Holding forward a flame of light that is a gift of illumination for all human souls.

The open hand of Archangel Uriel represents the openness and willingness to receive the love of God and to remain spiritually devoted.

Uriel pours light upon the world illuminating humanity and helping us each along the path of enlightenment.

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Archangel Azrael

Archangel Azraels name means “Whom God helps”. Archangel Azrael’s primary angelic responsibility is assisting souls in making the transition from physical life to the spirit world after death.

Archangel Azrael can also help you to complete a life review now.

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Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Zadkiel radiates joy, love, forgiveness, freedom and mercy.

Zadkiel is connected to the seventh ray, or violet flame, and has such an uplifting vibration simply calling upon Archangel Zadkiel will cleanse and illuminate your vibration..

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Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel is a powerful Archangel of protection, comfort, love, peace and compassion.

Chamuel often works behind the scenes to help ease tension, alleviate burdens and rinse away fear and pain energy from your being.

Call upon Archangel Chamuel to integrate Divine love and peaceinto your life now.

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Archangel Jeremiel

Archangel Jeremiel assists with developing clairvoyance, receiving prophetic visions, understanding the meaning of dreams, and sorting through past memories to review your life.

Call upon him when you’re ready and willing for help, and Archangel Jeremiel will help resolve challenges and guide you to make changes which will impact your future in a positive way.

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Archangel Raziel

Archangel Raziel is like the wizard of the Archangels as he holds the key to unlocking many of the secrets and mysteries of the Universe.

Connecting with Raziel can help you to uncover new spiritual insights, develop your psychic abilities, remove blockages, increase your creativity, and tune into Divine magic and manifestation!

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Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon is the Archangel of music, poetry and prayer and works closely with musicians.

Sandalphon receives and delivers prayers to the Divine so they are clearly heard and answered.

He also has a close connection to the crystalline grid, and the New Earth Energies.

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Archangel Sachiel

Archangel Sachiel is the archangel of water, wealth, success, abundance and prosperity.

While the presence of Sachiel has been largely hidden from humanity, he is now stepping forward in a big way to help restore true abundance, love and harmony on Earth.

I personally feel Sachiel is coming more into our awareness now that humanity is evolving beyond valuing money, profit and power in a higher regard than things like harmony, community, peace, and positive co-creation with all beings.

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Archangel Christiel

Archangel Christiel is an archangel of peace, love, balance and the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness.

Christiel offers powerful angelic support in helping you to stay centered in Christ Consciousness amidst any challenges, or struggles in your life… And in raising your vibration and expanding your awareness so you can embody a higher level of your Divine Christ Consciousness Light.

Christiel has been largely unknown due to her* location and workpresiding far outside of the 12-dimensional Earth realm, but she serves in bringing higher dimensional light and awareness to us in the Earth plane so by expanding our consciousness we can tune into her incredible help and presence.

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Invoke The Archangels

A simple but powerful Archangel Invocation is simply:

Who Are the Archangels? Learn Archangel Names and Meanings (21)

  • Archangel Michael stands beside me in the South…
  • Archangel Raphael in the East.
  • Archangel Uriel stands to the North..
  • Archangel Gabriel in the West…
  • Archangel Sandalphon below…
  • Archangel Metatron above…

Thank you for your protection, healing light, guidance, and divine communication.

Thank you for connecting with me now.

You can add in any additional Archangels you have a connection with or are drawn to connect with.

When you think or say these words and then quiet your mind, focus your awareness within upon the area of your heart, and with intention and practice you will experience the many blessings of connecting with the Archangels.

For an expanded version of this process… Check out the Diamond Lightbody Activation here!

Ready for more?

Learn about the Council of Light here next!

With love and light,

Who Are the Archangels? Learn Archangel Names and Meanings (22)

Who Are the Archangels? Learn Archangel Names and Meanings (2024)


Who are the 3 archangels mentioned in scripture and what do their names mean? ›

Each of these angels has different responsibilities: Michael is a warrior, Raphael is a guardian, and Gabriel is a messenger. But they share a common purpose: they act on behalf of God, helping His people and bringing Him glory.

Who are the 12 archangels? ›

In the Kabbalah there are traditionally twelve archangels, who are each assigned to a certain sephira: Shubael, Raziel, Cassiel, Zadkiel, Camael, Michael, Uriel & Haniel, Raphael & Jophiel, Gabriel, and Azrael.

What do each of the archangels represent? ›

The four most often depicted in art are: Gabriel, the messenger of God who brought the announcement of Christ's birth to the Virgin Mary; Michael, the dispenser of justice; Raphael, the healer and protector of travellers; and Uriel, the angel of prophecy and wisdom.

How do I find out who my guardian angel is? ›

You can sit in your meditation for as long as you like. You may hear your guardian angel's name as an intuitive thought or an audible sound, or you may be guided to write in your journal. If you don't receive the name in your meditation, you can trust that it's coming.

What was Lucifer's angel name? ›

Samael is a fallen archangel who was banished from Heaven after attempting a failed rebellion against his father, being sent to Hell as its new ruler and later changing his name to Lucifer. He holds a deep resentment towards his father for banishing him, as well as his mother for doing nothing to stop it.

Which angel is the leader of all angels? ›

Saint Michael the Archangel isn't a saint, but rather he is an angel, and the leader of all angels and of the army of God. This is what the title "Archangel" means, that he is above all the others in rank. St. Michael has four main responsibilities or offices, as we know from scripture and Christian tradition.

Who are the archangels full list? ›

From left: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Chamuel (Camael), Raphael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel. The earliest specific Christian references are in the late 5th to early 6th century: Pseudo-Dionysius gives them as Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Camael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel.

Who is the supreme archangel? ›

Archangels are not hierarchically the highest, but only they have the ability to act in the name of God without needing His permission. Michael is the supreme archangel, he is represented as the head of the heavenly armies (hence his representation, mostly in military dress), and is the defender of the Church.

What angels are closest to God? ›

Tradition places seraphim in a rank in Christian angelology, based on Isaiah's use of the word. Seraphim angels are the closest to God and lead worship in heaven by singing endless praises to him.

What is the difference between an angel and an archangel? ›

The word “angel,” or angelos in Greek, means “messenger.” Angels are therefore messengers of God, sent by Him to help us on the path to salvation. In this case, we could say that the archangels are like super-messengers of God, who are entrusted with particularly important missions.

What is archangel Uriel known for? ›

Uriel is an archangel of utmost wisdom who gave people alchemical knowledge. He is called the Archangel of Salvation in Judаeo-Christian books. One can obtain intellectual insight, practical solutions and creative abilities by addressing him through prayer.

How are guardian angels assigned to you? ›

The Lord has not revealed whether one specific angel is assigned to watch over each person, but you can be assured that divine protection and comfort are available. If you exercise faith, you will have God's help, including angels sent to strengthen and comfort you and give you courage to do what is right.

How do I know my angel number? ›

Just add up the numbers in your birthdate, month, and year. If you get a big number, add those numbers together until you have a single number. For example, if you're born on March 7th, 1997, add 0 + 3 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 7, which is 36. Then, add 3 + 6 to get 9.

What are the names of God's angels and their duties? ›

NameAlternate NamesDomain(s)
AdrielAdvachielMy help is God, of God's flock, Angel of Sagittarius
AgielZazelThe Intelligence Angels of all kinds, Guardian Angel of Saturn
AnanielStorm of God, Angel of water, guard of the gates of the South Wind
AnushTeacher of John the Baptist, miracle worker in Jerusalem
115 more rows

How many archangels are mentioned in Scripture? ›

Answer: The only archangels mentioned in the Bible are Michael (Rev. 12:7), Gabriel (Luke 1:19), and Raphael (Tob. 12:15).

Is Gabriel Lucifer's brother? ›

Supernatural (2005) – Gabriel, portrayed by Richard Speight Jr., is a runaway archangel who kills people he deems evil, also interacting with other angels, including his siblings Michael, Raphael, and Lucifer.

What is the archangel Raphael known for? ›

He was appointed the Angelic Prince of Healing, who has in his safe-keeping all the celestial remedies, the types of the medical remedies used on Earth.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.