Singularity - Chapter 71 - CloudDancer - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)

Chapter Text

Tuesday morning was… something .

A myriad of words offered themselves to help you try grasping the entirety of the few hours taking place after waking up, crowding on your mind.

Despite the location Moonyoung sent over the day before, you ordered breakfast to thank the girls of Red Velvet for their help and care for you. It arrived at the literal crack of dawn, so not much was said as you munched from the plastic bowls. It was a moment of peace you wouldn’t have had if you were back at Drina’s place. The presence of 6 other women sitting with you, knees and hands touching, eating silently resulted to have less noise and stress leaking into you, less space to overthink and let your brain torment you. It seemed to you some of the girls were still asleep, bodies moving on an automatic response rather than a conscious decision.

On the other hand, you felt wide awake the moment you fell out of the warm embrace of sleep. On the contrary to what you figured would be your morning like, your heart wasn’t hammering in your throat, nervous energy didn’t make you twitch or tremble, but… you felt ready. Erie calm. Hands cold.

You kept fiddling with the icy tips of your fingers as Irene had your eyes closed, the gentle yellowish light directed at you chasing away the shadows as she worked, little melodies tangling around you as Seulgi hummed in tune with her leader. You didn’t have your notes in your hand as you assumed you would, your phone in your lap lifelessly. Early morning light warmed your shoulders as you tried to map out what to say when, imagining how the people in that room would react if you were to do this and reply with that. You trapped yourself in your mind, keeping the train of thought alive even when the humming stopped or Irene asked you to open your eyes. You weren’t really there with them, but in the room, as you painted it, guessing the number of people in there and their behavior.

In a sense, you were barely aware of thanking the girls once they were done and it was a lingering impression of how they seemed to understand. Maybe not what you were doing internally, but recognizing some resemblance to their own habits. As they walked you out to the front door all prepped and ready, offering hugs and words of encouragement it felt like you were walking on uneven ground, unsure of the environment around you and the words directed at you. Perception of reality tilted towards what’s to come instead of what is happening around you until two hands were on your shoulders and the person in front of you became inescapable.


“Yeah?” You were facing her, less than an arm’s length away from her.

“I need you to promise me you will reach out once it’s done, okay?”

“S-sure,” Blinking at the leader, you only began to decipher her expression before she took your word for it, stepping back to her members. “Irene?”


“I can’t phrase into words how much all of you helped,” It tumbled out before you could catch the words. “I’m not sure yet, but I think you have changed the outcome without knowing.”

“Yeah… I think so too,” Drina noted quietly beside you. She had her hair down, shiny and straight into a silky curtain, her expression cloudy with concentration. “It’s… we, uhm…”

“We know,” The youngest raised her hand to rest on your friend’s shoulder blade. “But you need to get going before you are late, okay?”


“Remember to breathe,” Seulgi commented by the door. “Count as you exhale.”

“Let your lawyers answer questions.” Wendy leaned in above her member’s shoulder.

“And know you two look killer,” Joy nodded assuringly, her expression a little unsure. Maybe she was being hesitant because you both looked very out of it, unresponsive and sluggish.

Your phone buzzed for a second, the tiny handbag vibrating in your hand. Breaking your trance if only by a little, you fished out the gadget to see a text from Saem who was ready for you downstairs.

“They’re here.” You blinked at Drina, the pace of your heartbeat picking up speed.


“Kick their ass!”

“Let us know how it went!”

Words upon words piled on each other as you exited their home, their expression lingering in the back of your mind as the elevator sunk to the garage, as the car started moving and the sun blared inside the small space between you and Drina on the backseat. She was just as quiet as you were, Saem glancing in your direction in the rearview mirror now and then from the passenger seat. Jae was driving and as the guard let you know after his morning greeting, the other guys are already at the restaurant Moonyoung was waiting for you. The radio was turned off, only the sounds of the road and traffic coming inside a little muted, each turn and bump deviating your attention from the back of the driver’s seat.

“We’re here,” Saem gently noted as the car came to a halt. You could see Drina turn toward you, only her expression communicating she is ready before she clicked the door open and slid outside. Her peach-colored strands sparkled in gold accents before she slammed the door shut, the echoing bam pushing back the air strong enough to whip at your skin. Jae was gone too, only your old bodyguard twisting around to check on you. “Can I help you, Miss?”

“I’m not sure there is anything to help with… but thank you for asking,” You muttered, offering him a small smile before you followed your friend inside.

Inside, meaning an absolutely, ridiculously luxurious hotel lobby to their high-end in-house restaurant. Whoever designed the place did not know or care to hold back, the crips black and white interior let the pale bronze and liquid gold accents sing from all forms and sorts of decoration, specifically positioned lighting highlighting anything worth seeing with a spot of brilliant white light. The building itself was situated just by Songpa Naru Park and as the lift climbed higher and higher, you wondered how the hell did you end up in this whole situation. The concierge standing in front of you had a uniform on that must have cost someone’s monthly salary. He treated your group of four like royalty and if you weren’t so wrapped up in your own head, you would have probably embarrassed him by being hesitant or too kind to him. But you could understand where he was coming from - you and Drina were dressed to the tens while both of your guards looked sharp enough to attend a gala with their black-on-black ensemble probably tailored to their bodies. You had to wonder whether Saem was thinking ahead long enough to establish a reputation before his company’s employee number was still in the single-digit range.

When the elevator doors opened, you paused long enough for the hotel staff member to notice your hesitancy - you were not in a restaurant. If anything, the space welcoming you inside was a posh library with expensive leather armchairs and bookshelves lit with each individual shelf, the spine of the works shimmering under the direct light. Somehow the window glass had to be tinted as the rising sun didn’t get the chance to blind your eyes. You were just about to open your lips to let the concierge know you are on the wrong floor when you heard Moonyoung call out.

She was sitting by the window with an elegant-looking man positioned across the table from her, her powder blue ensemble prettily contrasting against the rich browns and metallic tints in her surroundings. Gracefully motioning with her hand, both she and her table partner rose as you neared their seats, practiced smiles present.

“Ladies,” Hwawoon bowed respectfully. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person. Seokjin has told me a lot about the both of you.”

“Has he?” Drina raised a brow, sounding a little irritated.

“Nothing bad I hope,” Trying to lessen the edge in her tone, you tilted your head at the lawyer as you sensed Moonyoung inspect the harness on your torso from her seat.

“Only wonderful things, I can assure you. We were just discussing with Moonyoung-ssi how interesting today’s meeting is going to be and that has a lot to do with your position in the matter.”

“Well,” Smoothing out your dress under your kneecaps as you sat down in the deep armchair beside him, you attempted to keep his attention. “I’m not sure about the details, but we’re hoping to secure a future with most of us coming out happy by the end of today.”

“I would say it is safe to say we will be there in a few hours,” Moonyoung noted. “I owe you an apology, however - I hear you already had breakfast?”

“Well…” Your friend glanced at you hesitantly, not knowing how honest she can be.

“It is quite alright, I was only saying because Hwawoon suggested this location due to this coffee shop of sorts.”

“This is a coffee shop?” Drina asked, somewhat incredulously. She had a point, you were way above Seoul with the artificial lakes glittering under your seat as a pile of precious stones. The almost eerie quiet and silently awaiting staff did not help to conjure what her words meant under the rows and rows of probably very expensive books.

“Well, if you define a space that is quiet, suitable for studying, and sells beverages and food to keep going, you could argue this is a coffee shop.”

“You two are alike,” Drina replied, giving you a look colored with a bit of exasperation.

“Please elaborate,” The only man by the table requested as he put his torso forward, one elbow jamming into his thigh.

“I think she means when…” You had a slight smile on before you could come to notice it. “...I described the Harry Potter Warner Bros tour in London as a museum.”

“Just before things got complicated in Seoul.”

“Technically…” Moonyoung had a little crease on her forehead as she wrapped her head around the idea of you and her being similar in a sense.

“It works, I know, but doesn’t make it any less… taxing.” Your friend raised her hands in admission as she fell back on her armchair’s back.

“Maybe we should order something,” Hwawoon offered, motioning towards one of the staff members nearby.

Despite never meeting the man, you wondered a bit how he was nothing as you expected him to be. Jin made him look like a shark in shallow waters, viscous and brutal, uncaring for station, and cold-hearted when executing his tasks. The man sitting beside you felt like a polite dongsaeng, paying attention and being attentive. Maybe it was the circ*mstance of being surrounded by women or his way of trying to find his footing in the group dynamic, but you couldn’t quite see him behave like this with Jin and Joon when they kept him busy with their requests to pester BigHit with legal disclosure letters. He somehow seemed… too young? Or maybe you just needed to let him show you who he was as a lawyer instead of grouping him into the dongsaeng box too early.

The pair of attorneys kept a pleasant conversation going as the drinks arrived with a complimentary basket of freshly made egg tarts. It wasn’t enough to take the tension out of your shoulders nor to aviate the stress of the upcoming meeting, but time passed faster with them gently forcing you to mingle in their discussion. It was odd how they didn’t choose to spend their time going over what was about to happen, but maybe there was enough conversation about that. It has kept you up enough times at night and taken away hours of your daylights to make it seem like you have thought about any and every scenario that could possibly take place. But that didn’t explain how assured they were behaving, leaning towards an almost arrogant stance.

“Just to let you know before we leave,” Moonyoung placed her empty porcelain cup into its plate, the scratchy sound of it grinding in a high pitch vibrant on your ear. “I wanted to confirm the paperwork was handed in and it was processed this morning. Hwawoon-ssi has finished his side of the documentation as well, but he’ll inform you about that when the time is suitable.”

“Right,” The man beside you cleared his throat. “All we ask is what we solemnly give you - trust we did our part. I believe the most important aim of us today is to show a united and hom*ogeneous front even if we have just met. There will be surprises and I promise you, all will be in favor of you, but you need to keep your reactions close to heart.”

“Why not share them now then?” You could feel your stomach sink at the possible threat behind his words.

“Yes, what is the point of keeping us in the dark?” There was tension in Drina’s voice as she turned to question Hwawoon.

“It’s simple, really,” Instead of him, Moonyoung replied. “Being cornered as you are feeling now gives an advantage. An edge to what you say or do. I’m not saying it is comfortable, but you both have been in this uncomfortable position long enough to see it would be detrimental to lose that potential lurking in you just to make you feel better. At the same time, it is nothing less of what Hwawoon-ssi and I are going now - as a trained and practiced attorney, I have a grasp on what you do, but that does not mean I know what is about to happen. I only know of the matters and understand the preparation I have made.”

“We don’t have cards hidden in our sleeves.” You noted, sort of following her argument. “And I don’t believe the main stress point here is the uncomfort.”

“No, it’s the fear of having the rug pulled out from under us.” Drina joined. “How do we know you won’t…”

“I am under your employment.” Hwawoon quietly assured her. “I am legally and ethically bound to deliver what you have tasked me with. There is no room to work with other than to do my job which is securing your legal safety and defending you against perpetrators belonging to my playfield. And I believe Moonyoung-ssi to be in the same shoes.”

“My position is somewhat different.” The woman mentioned grasped your attention. “But I think I have made my intentions clear. Our goals align. I gain nothing by cutting your legs and if you truly think about it, I don’t have the means either.”

She… she might have a point.

“So what you are saying is that you are using lack of communication as inspiration?”

“I am… applying pressure to advance growth.”

“I should have asked for the lava cake.” Drina sighed unexpectedly, breaking the momentary silence you didn’t know how to fill before turning to face you. “You and I know what we are doing. We might not have done this before, but it’s not every day you try to salvage the company your spouse works for.”

Built .” You corrected, seeing the pep talk attempt.

“A little dramatic, but sure. Whatever we don’t know of probably won’t affect our position, right?” She directed the question to Hwawoon with a raised brow.

“Not in a negative light, no.”

“And whatever either one of you could put on that meeting room table will be advantageous for us as a team, right?”

“Of course,” Moonyoung agreed.

“Then there is nothing else to say about this.” Drina smoothed her outfit before letting her hands rest on her thigh, facing the rising sun shining in through the window. “We just need to kick their ass.”

“Well said,” Hwawoon stood up, circling your seat before he approached a staff member. He was back in a moment, fixing his attire with a satisfied smile before offering a hand to you to help you up. “We should get going.”

“Hmmm,” Moonyoung hummed as we were ready to leave. “There is a commotion outside Hybe.” She had her phone out, her head slightly tilted. “Which meeting is first, you as the new shareholders or you as the countersued party?”

“The latter is second. But the shareholder thing is less than an hour long, I don’t think they think much of it.” Your friend replied, pausing for a moment to gauge your reaction. “Do you think…”

“Yeah,” You nodded numbly. “I think they let people know we are coming.”

“The public is mostly on your side, money has to be involved to build a campaign of haters.” Hwawoon sighed as if it was only a slight inconvenience. “Not that it matters much. How did you travel here?”

“In a black tinted SUV.” You heard Drina answer as your throat tightened. Cold sweat built in a matter of moments on your hands and despite knowing you have to walk into whatever sh*tshow designed to welcome you, you really wanted to run.


“Four, all here.”

“Well… how about this? I assume there are two SUVs since some of your guys were here before I got here and Moonyoung notoriously uses a chauffeur service - let’s make the SUVs into a convoy and I drive the three of you lovely ladies in my convertible. It would be quite an entrance.”

“And where do you reckon we leave the cars? On the street?” Moonyoung put on her sunglasses, her tone less than amused.

“I’m pretty sure that is what sidewalks are for.” Hwawoon grinned at her.

Saem led you downstairs and after being informed of the developments, the guard negotiated to have Dojun sit with you in the back of Hwawoon’s car. The expression he wore the moment he looked up the situation Moonyoung described was not something you have ever seen Saem have and as far as you were concerned, did not want to see it anytime soon either. The polite and pleasant guard said nothing, but his nose widened as he tried to regulate his increased breathing, his hands flexing into fists before he caught you noticing them. The smile he intended to ease your concern only elevated it.

When a good man goes to war…

You could hear the quote ring through your memories to the first time you heard it as a valet pulled up Hwawoon’s glittering black Mustang by the main doors of the hotel. You could hear Saem lightly curse as he took in the vehicle starting from the absence of its roof to the two-door entry instead of four - you had to climb back in heels. By all means, it was a beautiful old-timer, but it was very much not a preferred choice for any professional in the security sector. The guard rapidly gave instructions to Jae, their neutral expressions almost chilling as you and Drina settled in the back before the bodyguard climbed in to sit between you, his shoulders taking up the free space in the backseat. Hwawoon helped Moonyoung fix the passenger seat before closing the door on the settled attorney. He almost looked happy as he crossed to the driver’s seat, running his fingers on the steering wheel before facing you.

“Your guard asked for a moment to get the SUVs out. He will be in the front car and we have to wait for him to reach the car first after parking. We have to sit tight under the attention basically as we all park. When all three of your guards besides this lovely fellow here are ready to go, I get around, let Moonyoung-ssi out, help each of you out, and then move.”

“Miss Drina, Miss Y/n, please treat this as the airport,” Jae explained, his voice robotically even. “The formation is the same for a bigger party. If need to, we will run to the entrance.”

“Additionally,” Moonyoung turned back. “I’ve found that if you don’t show emotion and just look at whoever yells or attempts to throw something, they back off. It’s difficult to face your potential victim.”

“Moonyoung-ssi, I think that has to do with your… complexion.” Hwawoon chuckled.

“Whatever do you mean by that?”

“That you are too exquisite to harm,” Drina replied instead of the man.

“Agreed.” You echoed faintly.

Her reply was drowned by the roaring of the old timer as both black SUVs pulled up, Dojun running to the one behind you as Dal jumped to the driver’s seat in front of you. Saem leveled you a look, assessing your position before he slammed his door shut in the front and you started moving.

It didn’t feel real.

The black body of the pristine clean car glistened under your fingertips, the pair of lawyers sitting in the front as the opposing wind as Moonyoung’s perfume filled your nose, the tightness of Seulgi’s leather harness pressing against your dress. The weather was a promise of a warm spring day filled with sunshine while you felt heavy, dampened, and dark.

There was no way around it - you were frightened. A cacophony of reactions littered your mind from the strong pulsing of your heart extending to your cold hands and the light sweat you felt by the nape of your neck and under the harness. A frenzied fight-of-flight instinct tried to make you move, to yell, to get out as fast as you possibly can while you remained in your seat, the wind tearing into your pinned-up hair.

You had to do this.

You had to get through this.

With all the right cards in your hands, there was nothing that could make today turn out with a bad result, but knowing this did nothing to the hammering of your heart and the panic rising like bile in your mouth.

You were terrified of the people waiting for you. You couldn’t escape the series of images and sounds you lived through before, your mind predicting experiencing the same.

Yet, you stayed. You said nothing. You didn’t fidget nor acted on the impulses demanding your attention.

Calling back the practice of box breathing, you counted the seconds as you traveled down street after street. People curiously pointed towards you when you stopped by a red light, their hands hiding their lips doing nothing to the volume of their questions. Keeping with going from one to six - inhale - do it again, slowly - exhale - and repeat. Someone cried out to say you looked like celebrities just as Hwawoon gunned the Mustang and you heard Drina make a soft sound in response.

A series of tall skyscrapers hid the sun as you entered the heart of the city and the tiny purse you had on you buzzed in your lap. Whoever could be calling was either in the car with you or knew you should not be disturbed, but you only recognized this later. Instead, you welcomed the distraction from yourself, pulling the phone straight to your ear as you opened the call.

It was silent at first, nothing coming through the speakers, just a gasp. Breathing. Just as you were about to say something you couldn’t quite vocalize quickly enough…


The wind was gone.

You were not sitting in the car anymore.

There was no warmth coming from where Jae just was.

It was…

It was…


“Sweetheart, is that really you? Are you safe? Where are you? I thought you would be here, that you would be home, but it’s just an empty house, and I… I’m so sorry for everything, it’s my fault, I f*cked up and you were all alone for so long, and… “

It was as if a broken bond snapped back into place.

You could hear his distress, the hiccups breaking his breathing. The soft, building ache he fought off to speak instead of inhaling properly. He sounded so shattered, so helpless, and weak, yet he was apologizing. Owning up to things that were not his doing, not his responsibility to take.

“...I know I put you through so much. I don’t deserve to be forgiven and there is no excuse for it, but if you could please, please give me a chance to be selfish and try to work for…”

“You need to breathe,” You cut him off, not even thinking about how this was the first time you hear his voice since last year. Since the day after your wedding.


“Deep breaths, okay? Just take a moment. There is time. Inhale,” You instructed. There was static coming through the speakers. “Exhale, slowly.” The static got stronger, making you think he blew the air in his microphone. “Again.” And he did it again and again, as many times as you requested him to.

“Y/n…” He tried again, pain lacing the syllables making up your name after you stopped instructing him.

“Oh, don’t say it like that, I’m not mad at you. Are you okay? Are you in the house?”

“No, I… yeah, I’m here. I thought… I thought you moved out.”

“I did, for a few weeks. But that’s… I never intended it to be final.”

“Are you… there are so many things I want to say. How are you not mad at me? Can you come home to talk?”

“Did you really believe I would be mad at you? That I could be?” Mirth bubbled in your chest as you said it, hearing your words out loud, feeling insane. “Didn’t I make myself clear all those years ago?”

“But I left you alone in such a…”

“The argument is the same, is it not?”

“Sweetheart, don’t do this to me. I can’t keep up.”

“Well, sit down then!”

He made an exasperated sound, the whine warming the inside of your being.

“Can you please come home? You are in a car, right?”

“It’s… hm. I can’t go, not right now. We are in the middle of something important. But the second I’m done, I’m coming, okay?”

“Who is ‘we’?”

“Drina and I. We are safe, we are looked after. We are not alone either. I can’t explain it right now, but…”

“Please tell me you are not going where I think you are?” He sounded urgent again, the thinning of his voice turned into a composed press.


“I’m not sure, but maybe we are.”

“Sweetheart, no. You need to come home, we are handling it.”

“We are too. Taehyung, we are being countersued. There are so many things I didn’t get to tell you, it’s not… we have to. We have to do this. Just… trust that we can do this, okay?”

“ shouldn’t have to.”

“It is time we did. Do you trust us?”

“Of course I do. But that doesn’t change the fact that it should be me protecting you.”

“But you have, haven’t you?”

“Y/n, that live did noth…”

“But it did. It did a lot. I’m not going to let you lessen what it means for you of all people to announce to the world who I am and what we are.”

He paused long enough you thought the line disconnected if not for the faint sounds of his breath registering in his microphone. Seconds streamed as you waited for his reply, your being and body in a completely different state than what it was in before you heard his voice.

“I love you, I love you with everything I have.”

I never stood a chance.

“I love you too, Tae. More than I can put into words. Sit tight, we’ll figure this all out. Wait for me there and tell Jin to go home too, okay?”

“Okay… okay, I will.”

“Tell the others too, I don’t want them worried.”

The faint sound of his humming made its way to your ear, transforming into liquid happiness as it rejuvenated parts of you you believed to be dead.

“Give them hell, sweetheart.”

The call ended with a light click, the phone going dead in your hand. With his silence, the world came crashing down around you, and the first thing registered your thigh being clasped in an iron hold as you realized you are looking at the car’s floor, bent down, away from the wind. Following the fingers clenching around your skin, Drina was looking at you with her undivided attention gripping your gaze.

“Was that…?”



“Jin will be waiting for you.”

Oh my God, ” She swallowed thin air, her cheeks coloring rapidly into a harsh red as her chest rose and fell at an alarming speed. “Is he… are they…”

“In Seoul, yes. I think they are looking for us.”

“Why today ?? Of all days, why did they have to choose this morning?!”

“Drin, I…” You slowly started to lose where she was coming from.

“No, this is ridiculous, they had months , okay? Give me one other day to suddenly step back into this city which would have been a worse f*cking timing than today!”

“Drina,” You almost laughed, the irritated flare on her face twisting as she noticed you find her amusing.

“You shut the f*ck up too, this is not funny !”

“For all it’s worth, you get to tell him off too. In-person, in a few hours.”

Her expression fell as she processed your reply, her bottom lip trembling a little as she let out an exhale before she turned away from you to face the wind blowing into her hair.

“It doesn’t feel real.” She noted quietly, echoing your earlier feelings. “Did he sound okay? Taehyung?”

“No, not really,” Lacing your fingers together loosely to have your thumb press into your hand, you glanced down. “But that was unavoidable either way, after everything.”

“I guess so…”

“You okay back there?” Hwawoon glanced back just enough to see you cast down your gaze.

You weren’t sure if he was being polite or not. There was no way for you to gauge who heard what and what might their reactions be to it. Maybe there was no reason to care either.

“Yeah, we’re okay.” You answered him, Drina scoffing a bit at your reply.

“Well,” She let her torso drop back against the seat, somewhat disappearing beside Jae. “I think we gained an…incentive to get this over with, don’t you think?”

“That is…one way of putting it, sure.”

Just as you finished talking, the car slowed to a halt, making you glance around for the red light that stopped you but was none nearby - you have arrived. People were sitting on the stone steps leading up to the main headquarters known to be Hybe’s, the glassy grey surface of the stone littered with people and their signs. Before they could locate the prey they have been waiting for, Saem was already out of the SUV in front of you, marching over in assured steps. Moonyoung’s door by the passenger seat popped open loudly, the guard gently holding her hand as she climbed out. Dojun and Dal got there before the crowd did, gasps and hushed exclamations growing in volume as Jae moved out from the backseat first, his strong build shielding you from view before the crowd started to roar, the signs springing up above their heads as your heels touched down on the polished stone floor.

Your legs were cold, your feet slightly slipping inside your shoes as anxiety bubbled in your stomach. The wind compressed between the buildings whipping at your cheeks in waves as the crowd on the street bunched up on the sidewalk. These people weren’t like the ones in Singapore, or at least not yet. By the time Drina was standing beside you, the pair of lawyers waited for you to collect yourselves a step away, seemingly unaffected by the harsh tones yelling, Moonyoung being statuesque while Hwawoon had a pleasant expression on as if he were at a dinner party. Your friend curled her pinky finger with yours, searching your expression as the cacophony grew before she took a breath and nodded toward your group. Saem ushered the attorneys to be within the circle the guards took up around you, his lips pressed firm.

“Oh, this is exciting!” Hwawoon whispered as Dojun made you stand a little closer to each other before his boss started to lead you toward the entrance.

“I don’t think our vocabulary is the same,” Drina muttered back, her word coaxing a little smile out of you.

“Steady steps, everyone,” Jae called from the back.

The crowd pushed as much as the bodyguards allowed them, not having enough force to make either one of you inside change course or pause with a step. They were yelling and their words sounded sharp in your ears, but it was… different and you couldn’t quite phrase why. The expressions of the people fighting didn’t seem true like they didn’t mean their actions. Their anger was loud and felt genuine, but instead of scaring you, it somewhat made you think it wasn’t directed at you, not your burden to bear. It was hard to tell how or why, but amid their slurs and pushing, you didn’t feel the target of their spite.

Various things have changed since Singapore.

It would feel like a countless list to call back each detail that has fundamentally changed within you or your life in the past four months, but your mind cataloged through a few of them as you steadily climbed the stairs to the gleaming doors a few meters away from you. Taehyung’s voice echoed through the memories and before you knew it, the yelling was gone and you were inside.

“Well, that wasn’t so bad,” Drina noted quietly as the receptionist made a call from behind her desk upon seeing your group.

“No need, we have an appointment,” Saem called before the call could connect. “We are here to meet the board of directors, the meeting starts in 13 minutes. I trust you know what to do.”

The receptionist stared at him with big eyes before dropping the phone back to its place, typing something furiously fast. His eyes scanned through Moonyoung before looking at you and Drina, his finger smashing against the keys a bit harder before he got to his feet, his stretched-out arm motioning towards the back of the reception area towards a hidden elevator.

“My colleagues should be ready for your arrival.” He let you know as the doors slid shut, your group tightly packed inside.

“You should change the elevator space when you get the chance,” Moonyoung muttered lowly.

“He forgot to greet us, he was so taken back!” Hwawoon sounded as if he was genuinely having a good time, his eyes fixed on the screen showing the floors pass by before he offered you a look from the corner of his eye. “He didn’t know where to look between the three of you.”

“I’m sure a little extra training could fix that issue,” Saem added curtly, making the lawyer chuckle by your ear.

The elevator chimed as you reached the floor the receptionist selected for you, the doors sliding open to show an open space resembling a boutique office. It was beautiful if not a little cold, with thick padded mahogany doors lining the walls probably leading to rooms you were destined to take soon. You could make out two, maybe three people present, a girl trying to get to you as fast as her heels let her go.

“Excuse me for not waiting for you on time,” Her ponytail swished as she stopped to look at Hwawoon primarily before your eyes met.

“Hi Sunny,” You smiled at the familiar face and her expression shifted momentarily. “I believe you met Drina,” She waved at the assistant. “...the lady is Ko Moonyoung,” The attorney politely tilted her head in recognition. “...and he is Kwon Hwawoon. The guards in black are Seam, Dojun, Dal, and Jae respectively.”

“We’ve met,” Dal replied from over your shoulder, his tone warm.

“It’s… it’s nice to see you all. Have you been well?” The second she said her question aloud, she pressed her eyes shut, probably hearing the off-key ring in the query.

“We are getting there, step by step.” Drina offered her an easy out.

“I’m glad to hear that. Please follow me, I have a room prepared for you.” She sprung towards where she came from. Seeing you keeping your steps close to her, she allowed herself a whisper. “Miss Y/n, did you arrive for the 10 o’clock meeting or the 11 o’clock meeting?”

“Would it be terrible if the answer is both?”

“I’m not sure,” Her voice carried to a higher register, her obvious alarm coaxing your brows together. Before you could address your concern, she tore one of the padded doors open by the very end of the row. “Esteemed colleagues, please allow me to introduce to you the newest shareholders of Hybe Entertainment!”

She must have brushed together that introduction on the spot because there were only a pair of men inside, both looking up at you as if you were holding a spotlight to their faces. The inside of the room was filled with a huge reddish-brown oval conference table, bottles of champagne chilled by the ceiling tall windows in ice buckets, and the walls slightly shining due to the silver-ridden decor wallpapers. It was very contrasted, the combinations of dark wood with the light walls and an old, muted gray carpet, leaving you a little off-put by the half-hearted design. SM’s much smaller meeting room for a less important gathering was lush compared to this and you had to wonder if this was on purpose or not.

“Good day to you,” One of the pair greeted you, his voice unsteady. “Please, take a seat as we wait, the members of the board should be here soon.” He pointed to the end of the oval table further away from them, somewhat telling of what the seating arrangement will be once everyone is gathered.

“How odd,” Hwawoon murmured once he settled down beside Drina. Moonyoung took to your right and you and your friend settled in the middle of the curve of the oval, facing the opposite wall.

“Saem, you guys should sit down too.” Drina turned to the man, but he politely raised his hands.

“That is a kind offer, but we have to keep perimeter. Would it be alright for you to keep Dal by the door and the rest of us behind you?”

“S-sure,” Drina nodded, her eyes clouded by confusion as she turned back in her seat, your eyes meeting for a second. “Oh, boy.” She muttered in Hungarian. “Please tell me you feel like you are in a parallel universe.”

“I’m not sure… I don’t feel anything.” You replied in kind. “Is that normal?”

“I don’t think anything is normal anymore.”

It took some time until something happened. In the silence, you became aware of the light sweat present in the middle of your back just as the want to clear your throat grew with each second. Drina held herself near motionless while in contrast, you didn’t know how to stop fidgeting - lacing your ankles together, then undoing them to plant your shoes flat on the carpet, to then try to cross your legs, but the table was not high enough to fit your thighs under.

Barely after you decided to stay with your ankles crossed under your seat something began to loudly approach outside making you pull your back straight, the clashing sounds coming in your direction building a sense of alarm. It felt like a group of people with different tones was approaching and you were sensing dread climbing inside you, aware of who these people have to be.

“Aaaish,” The door opened, and a bunch of middle-aged to elderly men spilled in through. “You have to be more cautious about things like that, Daehee-ssi, you could get a slap on the wrist for such things!

You counted five heads, much less than what you would have expected from Bang Shihyuk.

“Aah, Yong-ssi, don’t be so old-fashioned, you and I both know that is not how the world works anymore. As if anyone would care to…”

One of the men who wore a pearly-white jacket tapped on the man’s shoulder mid-sentence, motioning how it wasn’t just them and their employees in the room. The remaining of the group turned to face you, a sense of surprise mixing on their expressions with hints of anger and unnerved mild shock.

“Excuse me, but what do you think you’re doing? You are in the wrong room.” The one furthest from the door eyes you in disdain, his voice cracking under the number of cigarettes he had to smoke to sound like that.

“We were escorted here by a lovely assistant, our appointment was called for 10 am?” Hwawoon finessed a pleasant tone while Moonyoung seemed to emit an ice bath from her body.

“Which was 7 minutes ago so I dare say you are late with your introductions and pleasantries.” The woman beside you tutted with an iron grip over her posture and features. You didn’t glance at her directly, but she allowed herself to sound irritated.

“That little brat sent out the invitations wrong!”

“Gah, the nerve…”

“I believe you are mistaken,” The one who was called Daehee replied, his sunken eyes watching you as if you were prey. “You were supposed to be here for 11, but fret not - it may be better this way. Gentlemen, please sit. Good thing Yooshik and Youngjoon are here with us - I’m sure having hard evidence of your ill behavior will allow your lawyers to earn their keep.”

The two men did not look in your direction when mentioned - the one who asked you to take a seat was burning holes in the wall opposite to him, spots of red coloring his cheek with shame.

Someone can tell what is going on…

“If that is how you want to do this, please proceed.” Hwawoon picked up a pen you didn’t notice him get out of his designer bag, an expensive notebook resting by his elbow. “I understand you have decided to pursue legal charges against my clients.”

“Even a donkey could see why,” The oldest-looking man croaked. “We have lost millions of won because of these two and the potential of billions we would have had in the bank is gone because our asset got tainted. Anyone who has eyes knows we were wronged!”

“And the little campaign the three of you,” White jacket picked up, pointing his pudgy finger to you, Drina, and Moonyoung. “...started is slander and we will extend our proceedings accordingly.”

You could hear your friend inhale sharply, but before she could give them a piece of her mind, Moonyoung tapped her nails on the polished tabletop, calling all the attention in the room to her.

“I’m not sure whatever you mean, there is no campaign.” She couldn’t finish her sentence before a pair of scoffs peppered the room.

“Don’t play coy, young lady, we all know how you want to spin this story. Just because we didn’t offer you a position after the change of leadership does not mean you can throw a tantrum with the press.”

“It is unseemly, having two perfectly educated Korean attorneys come as low as being the representatives of such harlots. Is business truly so bad this is your last resort, Ko Moonyoung?”

“Hoo, I’m going to enjoy this,” Drina muttered in your mother tongue.

“I don’t remember allowing you to drop the honorifics.” Moonyoung began, starting up like an engine on a winter’s night, low and cold. “Despite the obvious attempts to draw this meeting into a direction closer to your heart’s desire, I think some of us agree you are missing the point. Both of your 10 o’clock and your 11 o’clock meetings. Which is quite sad, given the supposed level you believe yourself to be.” Her voice grew to sound as if she was reading from a children’s book, tone even and bright. “I encourage you to attempt to assess the room before you…”

She was interrupted by the door opening, an alarmed-looking female politely bowing in both the board’s and your direction before she flitted to the man’s side who welcomed you when you first arrived. She handed him papers before sliding one to each member of the board, hesitantly looking your way as she clutched some more papers. Sunny stood by the doorframe, silently motioning for her to hurry out but her attempt turned against her - instead, the one named Daehee stood up from the middle from the opposing side as the woman blew out of the room, his head downcast before he curled his finger for the assistant.

Something moved within you when she whimpered but did as she was asked, going to the man’s side wordlessly. She passed Dal, who rigidly watched her approach, his face growing stony.

It felt like everyone knew what was about to happen, all Hype employees turning their heads in one direction or the other, while the man in the white jacket watched you intently as Sunny walked into the slap arriving on her cheek with a whipping sound.

Not a word was spoken, not a sound was made.

Her lips trembled as she let her head stay in the sideways angle the hit left her, her eyes open and full of shame. She didn’t look at anyone, she didn’t try to ask for help. She was just there, waiting as if she knew there is more.

“Well, now that we have that cleared up…”

Saem made a sound from his spot just as you motioned for Dal to start moving. The guard stepped between the assistant and the assailant who just hurt her while you pulled back your seat just enough so that you could stand. The two who arrived earlier than anyone watched you and despite what just happened and despite what you must have looked like, both stared at you with a fresh set of emotions, lips slightly parted, and somewhere inside, you thought you knew why.

“I’m afraid we are far from clearing things up.” Both of your palms lay on the tabletop before you pulled your shoulders back just enough to keep the tips of your fingers pressing into the wood. “Sunny, was this the first time you were assaulted by a member of the board?”

The young woman looked at you with more fear in her eyes than what you have seen from her today. As if she was telling you not to get in trouble over this. As if she was begging you to let it be. As if she was scared you will make it worse.

“I understand, but please answer the question.”

You could feel Hwawoon looking at you from his spot, his expression feeling neutral but somehow ready from your peripheral vision. Drina wasn’t turning toward you and somehow that made you feel assured. She knew and she knew you knew. It was one of those moments when there was no need to say anything.

It was time.

“I-uh…” When her attacker made an irritated sound, the assistant dropped her gaze to Dal’s back, the visual affirmation of no further incoming harm while the man stared down at Daehee, his height towering over the older man. “It’s…”

“Don’t you dare say a word in front of outsiders!” The man in the white jacket yelled. “Have some respect.”

“I don’t remember asking for your input.” You looked at the man who raised his voice. “You are factually wrong on several occasions within two basic sentences. Have some respect and find your silence before I’ll make sure you regret knowing how to breathe. Sunny? It’s a yes or no question.”

“N-n… no.” She managed out, her hands clawing into Dal’s back, holding onto her tears.

“Okay, Hwawoon, would you please take note of this.” You could sense him nod before his pen started to move. “Sunny, has anything further than a slap happened? Still yes or no.”

She shook her head, her forehead pushed against Dal’s back.

“There is no need to lie, did any of these people, or others, ever touch you besides what we have just seen.”

“Don’t be ridiculous…” The man previously called Yong muttered. “It was just a reprimand for f*cking up the meetings. Are you having your womanly days?”

“I can ask Saem here to give you a reprimand for not seeing how she was right and you were wrong about the meetings.” You turned to him for a beat without blinking. “Would you like that?”

“Sunny,” Drina called, her voice much softer than yours. “Please be truthful - were you harmed or molested? We need to know.”

“N-no, I-uh…” She forced herself to look up to see your friend, trying to make her understand she was telling the truth. “It was just this. Nothing else.”

“Verbal abuse?” You asked sternly.

“Y/n, that is enough of that. We get the picture.” Drina put her hand on your wrist, squeezing for a moment. “Carry on.”

You paused, assessing yourself. She had a point, you were being rash.

“Dal, please help her back here.” You asked, forcing your tone to ease up. The guard looked at you with his jaw clenched before giving you a firm nod, motioning for Sunny to a chair by the wall behind you. He didn’t touch her as he lead her back, staying a good half a step behind to make sure she doesn’t feel threatened. “Well… I think we got a little off-track here.” You settled back down in your seat, both elbows jamming into the table as you lightly laced your fingertips together. “As Moonyoung-ssi has asked you, and as Sunny has indicated earlier, it would be rather helpful for you to know what meeting you are currently attending.”

Three out of the five had physical, instinctual reactions of scowls and grunts to what you’ve said so after you’ve just finished talking a flicker of impulsiveness took you a step further not to let them try.

“I see that it is in vain to ask you such a thing. I even doubt you would come to the correct solution if you were to deign this ensemble of people the light of day to understand the situation you are in. So instead of wasting the time of those who actually do something with it, I’m going to help you get there.” Taking your attention from the board to the two men, you continued. “I believe I’ve heard Daehee-ssi call you Yooshik and Youngjoon respectively, am I right?”

“Yes, Miss.” The one sitting closer to you replied.

“Don’t answer this ludicrous woman! Do you want to be fired?!”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.” Drina inserted before you could say anything.

“I don’t have time for this,” White jacket called, getting to his feet. “You can all politely go f*ck yourselves while I make sure you end up in prison for this.”

“Dal,” Saem’s voice was light, but firm, the single syllable enough of an instruction to make the guard move to the only door in the room, taking up the middle of the doorframe with his arms behind his back.

“Now that’s settled…” Drina watched the board member stagger to a halt, clutching the back of his seat before she extended her hand in the air, fingers directing the attention back to you. “Let’s try to give each other some common courtesy and wait until the meeting is done.”

“This is absurd.”

“Would you please tell us your positions at this company?” You asked the man, feeling oddly composed despite the nasty grimaces directed at you.

“I-uhm… I am a senior accountant belonging to the in-house stock division and Youngjoon-ssi is the Head of Legal.”

“Alright. Did you receive this morning’s report about the company’s share distribution?”

“I have, one last night and one this morning just a few minutes ago.”

“Did you have the opportunity to look through the one from last night?”

“Yes, Miss. I have.” Yooshik started to gain his ground the more you asked him, his replies coming in stable. He didn’t avoid your attention nor did he avert his gaze, being 100% focused on what you were asking of him while his colleague beside him paid attention intently.

At least some can act their age.

“Were you able to identify the newcomers indicated in the documents?”

“I tried to look into the matter yesterday, but I believe I have only learned of their person truly when Sunny-ssi guided you to this room about half an hour ago.”

“Well, then,” You offered him a smile before turning toward Daehee’s menacing face. “Would you please change your seating accordingly where your position should be by this table?”

“Of course, Chairwoman,” Five expressions flinched and dropped at the label, and before any of them could begin to formulate an answer you quipped:

“Oh, no need to be so formal, call me Y/n. This is Drina.” She waved kindly beside you, earning a pinkish color growing on Youngjoon’s ear. Tilting your chin lightly, you made eye contact with Daehee. “This meeting is the new shareholder meeting. The next one would have been the counterclaim meeting. We are the guests to both of them.”

“What absolute insanity are you suggesting?” White jacket bellowed over the pleasantries the accountant offered to Hwawoon just as the man called Yong slammed the papers in his hand away from him on the table.

“We are not suggesting anything,” Drina spoke up. “Just as Moonyoung challenged you to understand where you are and as Sunny has correctly handled the meetings - this is about me,” She pointed her finger towards her perfectly made face. “...and her,” The index turned to aim at you and you threw a pained smile at the fuming bunch. “...becoming the new shareholders you were supposed to welcome about…” She snapped her wrist sideways to pull her watch into view from under her long sleeve. “...28 minutes ago. 21, if we are being precise since you didn’t bother to show up on time. A little less, if you subtract the time you decided to assault a female employee in front of us. What is worse, you see, you were not only bad at reading comprehension, math must have been an issue too. I wouldn’t throw away the documentation I could use as a cheat sheet during a meeting as some of you did right in front of us, especially since you clearly need it."

“What the lady is getting at,” Moonyoung airily took over as she pulled her chair back to get on her feet. “ that you were careless with a lot of things. For instance, I understand you haven’t issued your counterclaim against these women to the authorities.” Fixing her dress a bit before picking up her case, she pulled out five sets of documentation about two fingers thick before slowly striding over to the other end of the table. “Please use these as a guide.” She dropped one of each stack of paper with a thud in front of each man.

“Do make sure you follow along because this is important.” Drina picked up Hwawoon’s pen, twirling it between her fingers with ease. “For starters, you were idiots not to guard your majority. But, if anything, the worst thing you could have done was set your best asset on fire, alienating them, attempting to turn their country against them… rash, systematically faulty, and seriously out of touch. And to top that, you followed that mess up with letting your shareholders bail at the first sign of danger and not picking up after them.”

“You have no reason to talk to either one of us as if you own this place.” Daehee ground his teeth.

“We have every reason. The papers proving it was handed to you before you committed physical assault.” You forcefully slowed down your speech to make each word punctuate. “And just moments ago, Moonyoung-ssi gave you everything you need to follow today’s agenda. It is very hard to get through your arrogance.”

“Let me try,” Drina leaned forward on the table. “The documentation you have received from Moonyoung-ssi contains a similar report you received earlier during this meeting. A few weeks ago the value of your shares plummeted when Kim Taehyung decided to break his silence over the mistreatment his company and his fans imposed on him. This very news broke the worst rate per share statistic in recorded history for Hybe since it entered the market. Which would have - should have at least - triggered a defensive stance from any company of your stature. But it took over two days, over 48 hours until competition appeared on the market to buy the flyaways. Guess who didn’t spend this time wastefully?”

“There is no way, no literal way you two would have the…”

“What, resources?” You stared down at White Jacket.

“Yes, see…” You could hear the mirth in her tone as Drina gently laughed. “Here is the funny part - we just had a meeting with SM’s Kim Taeran-ssi regarding a small matter. She knew who we are even though we have not met beforehand and never came close to having our paths cross. You, on the other hand, have been breathing down on our necks quite intimately for months, yet haven’t bothered to look into the two women who seemingly tanked your company. Well, not yours, but whatever you want to label driving a well-oiled machine into a concrete wall.”

“Whatever industry you believe to be famous in holds no importance here,” Cigarette voice snarled.

“Yes, I’m sure the stock market holds no meaning to you whatsoever.” The words were blurted out before you could evaluate them, earning a laugh from both women sitting beside you.

“Quite…,” Drina turned her head to look at you, enjoyment all over her face. “...remember how Bang Shihyuk only took one look at us and he just knew? Like it was magic.”

“Give them some slack, the PD had our names about 12 hours earlier.”

“But he used those 12 hours well. These people had months and no effort was made.”

“Drina, you know there is a difference between leaders and bosses.”

“They don’t make those anymore…”

“You dirty little…”

“Now now, I do not have space in the calendar today to wash your mouth out.” Drina raised her brow theatrically. “Where were we… right, the shares. We collected as much as possible. As good as we can be, we have an upper limit too you see, so we had to call it quits by 22% before it would become difficult to pay the bills.”

"That's a vicious lie!"

"Dear, it is high time to begin reading, is it not?" Drina took a second to look at her manicured nails.

“But 22,17% is not a majority.” You noted, bypassing the comment entirely.

“Not yet,” Moonyoung shook her head. “But more than what each of these people has in their hands.”

“Right, that is where you came in.” Drina grinned at the lawyer.

“Yes, well… about that.” Moonyoung hung her eyes on Dal. “Could you please open the door for a moment? I believe we are missing someone from this meeting.”

It was not only the guard who blinked hesitantly at the beautiful woman beside you - everyone beside Hwawoon seemed to have at least one question ready on their tongue. The guard waited until Saem agreed to the instruction, gently pressing down on the handle to pull the door open.

You waited for steps to come, but you were given something else.

Someone else.

“What fierce tension. It’s been ages since I entered a room such as this one…”

“Oh my…” Drina gaped as you sucked in enough air to pop your lungs.

“Well, hello ladies, I hope I’m not intruding.”

A kind face. A jovial tone.

Set in a wheelchair.

“What on Earth is this?” Daehee practically yelled at the top of his lungs as the man who held the solution to your torment was pushed inside by someone who looked like a doctor with a pleasant smile on his face. You had to push your hands forcefully flat on the table to keep your cool, the surprise washing over your body like a torrent of cool water. Another professor-like man entered behind them, trailing to stand on the other side of the wheelchair as the PD took to the table right between you and the board.

“Oh my, Daehee-ssi, it was never my intention to have you here. Furthermore, none of you were supposed to be on the board I have designed as a contingency plan.” Bang Shihyuk didn’t drop the kind expression lingering on his features. “Well, don’t mind me, I’m just here to assist if need be.”

“I…” You had so much to say. So many words tangled up on top of your tongue as you watched him greet Yooshik and Youngjoon with a tilt of his head before he noticed Sunny sitting in the back, the look on his face flickering for a second. “You…”

“I trust what you have in mind, my dear.” Bang PD was still looking at the woman who used to be his assistant. “Carry on.”

“You have no right to be in this room, none of you do! Is this your idea of what a coup looks like Bang Shihyuk?! A pair of bitches and two lawyers who never grew up to their potential?”

“I’m going to need to remind you,” You were not prepared for the changed tone coming from Hwawoon. It was so rigid and cold, it felt like a different person was sitting beside Drina. “That this is a business meeting. Behave like your age and don’t throw a tantrum if things don’t go your way, because let me assure you - there is more.”

Both you and Drina took a beat to have a look at the man, while Moonyoung chuckled lightly.

“Please proceed,” Bang PD encouraged you again.

I have no idea what is going on anymore.

“If you look at the documents presented,” Drina attempted to pick up where she left off, her voice a bit faltered. “You could see that as of this morning, the combined amount of shares I share with Y/n is exactly 58% since I would much rather prefer a natural number over a fractional one.” You could hear someone’s jaw click shut. “This was only possible thanks to Bang PD reaching out when he did. So yes, this is technically a coup if we factor in you understanding the term and not confusing it with coup d’état.“ The French phrase rolled off her tongue with barely an accent interrupting her. “Because what just happened is lawful and not violent.”

Given the expressions set across the table from you, you had to wonder when did they give up following her words. The five of them seemed to be in a different potency of denial and anger, each looking at something else other than the one who was speaking to them.

“Yooshik, could you please confirm from your side what she just said?” You initiated, wanting to burst the bubble.

“Of course, Chairwoman. As… Chairwoman Adrienne has stated, there was considerable movement in the company’s shares in the past weeks. We notified our supervisors of the newcomers having a 22,17%, which is in general, unheard of, about three to four weeks ago, but as the situation was dire in other areas of the company, our persistence paid off only recently and by this time, the amount grew to 23%. The alert last night came completely unexpected, but the facts remain. Hybe’s majority after months of division has moved to the hands of the ladies sitting to my right, enrolling into 58% and thus, giving them all right and jurisdiction to do as they wish.”

“You are marginally wrong, Yooshik.” White Jacket growled. “They do not and could not have a majority since Bang Shihyuk is not in his right mind. There is no proof whatsoever of his sanity after the car crash he has suffered and no evidence his shares weren’t coerced out of his unstable hands.”

“Oh, I was quite ready for you to say that,” Moonyoung spoke up. “Please open your dossiers to page 19 and see the medical evaluation of doctors who have signed an annex regarding that they do not know who their subject is, vowing to not look into his person and declaring their results without being aware of the circ*mstances. I had three different professionals evaluate the Bang Shihyuk this year, and all of their findings are right there in front of you. The PD is well-equipped to decide whatever he chooses.”

“You want me to believe three different people were made to sign a document about not knowing Bang Shihyuk? What is this, do you think I’m not in my right mind?” Daehee laughed dryly, his arms wrapped tightly to his chest.

“Do you think I would try Korean doctors?” Moonyoung raised her meticulously drawn brow. “The dossier contains the feedback of a Japanese, a German, and an Australian individual, all three well-acclaimed and respected by their peers. Additionally, the collected and verified feedback was translated by the official translation and attestation office in Seoul, their certificate empowering the translations to be used in a court of law recognized by Korean and most international regulations. Which is a key element of today’s meeting on several accords. Hwawoon-ssi, would you please?”

“Of course.” Hwawoon pulled his chair closer to the table before facing the opposing side. “Now that the 58% matter has been laid to rest, there are several legal proceedings you need to learn of. As most of the room knows, there is an ongoing matter with the members of Bangtan Sonyeondan, otherwise known as BTS, against the five of you specifically, and as my colleague mentioned, you did not hand in your counterclaim against Miss Drina and Miss Y/n, but you intend to do so based on the electronic notification you have sent this past weekend. Additionally, as of this morning, less than an hour ago I was notified my documentation was received by the correct authorities regarding the matter of the earlier-mentioned ladies joining the members of BTS in their legal progress with the following listing.”

You did not believe for a second Hwawoon wouldn’t know the list by heart at this point, but he still decided to crack his notebook open, taking his time to find the right page, and just as he smoothed out the leather-bound book, he offered a glance the men sitting across from you before beginning to read.

“My client is suing you for failure to fulfill the clauses mentioned in the contract signed by Bang Shihyuk in Paris years ago on June 10th, still valid and in effect to this day. My client is suing you for lack of action against the person responsible for the leak of confidentiality to their personal lives. My client is suing you for a lack of attempts to control the attacks of the media and the public. My client is suing you for failure to provide aid when they were trapped in their respective real estate properties earlier this year. My client is suing you for failure to provide protection to them when a considerable amount of people attacked them at the Singapore Changi Airport in March. My client is suing you for failure to reach out and provide aid during the past 129 days since the scandal broke out to the public. My client is suing you for mistreatment and violating their lawfully given basic human rights above the fact that you have cut corners and failed to do every single obligation taking place between you as a body of decision-makers who are lawfully bound to fulfill a contract signed by the previous decision maker preceding you. The full, detailed, and officially accepted list is contained in the dossiers in front of you starting from page 62 to page 64.”

White Jacket watched Yong beside him flick through the pages, most of his face hidden from view as his profile was held by his hand, mild alarm building on his expression. Out of the five people sitting across from you, the oldest-looking man seemed genuinely interested in the stack of papers as he scanned through the general contents.

“Do you think the prospect of having you attack us scares anyone here?” White Jacket asked, his tone less full.

“I don’t think your feelings towards the earlier-mentioned are relevant,” Hwawoon replied simply. “But it would be impolite of me to leave out that another proceeding is taking place and has been processed against you. It does not belong to us or anyone in the room in particular so you will need to check for yourselves, but supposedly there is a legal undertaking by the people of South Korea against the five of you. The reasons sounded quite similar to what we handed in earlier except for the scope of wronged people and the exponentially higher reach it has with the financial damage it caused. The state of Seoul and by extension, the people of this country, as decided by the Prime Minister last week, want retribution for the tarnishing of the image of the Korean people and seek compensation for the measurable loss in GDP you have caused by the treatment you have shown against the company’s assets which happen to be the representatives of South Korea in formal and informal grounds. I believe the paperwork, just as ours’, was addressed to you by name specifically.”

“That’s… but…” Yong tried to find his voice while White Jacket dropped his hand holding his face to the tabletop.

“There is no way,” Daehee slammed his fist down. “The Prime Minister would not care and even if he did, there is no way he would turn against the biggest entertainment company there is in the country! I know him, he is as meek as they come!”

“It’s brilliant how you keep missing the point.” Moonyoung tilted her head to the side, a curl dropping on her shoulder.

“Daehee-ssi,” Bang PD carefully spoke. “After agreeing to the fact that this is a rather successful coup, could you please see that it is fruitless to make it look like the Prime Minister is attacking Hybe? Or have a jab at his character?”

“It was never Hybe.” You smiled wryly. “It’s your name on the documents. The five of you, on every piece of paper.”

“The very first page on the dossiers, the one you could see and read without touching it.” Hwawoon sounded like he was smiling. “Could one of you please read the title of the document?”

All five stared at him as if the attorney had two heads, probably for different reasons. White Jacket’s was a good meter away from him, while Daehee looked like he was about to declare the lawyer a disrespect to his family. Yong held his nose high enough not to see the title, merely glancing at a different spot in the smooth surface while cigarette voice stared at Moonyoung with a slimy gaze you would never want to be the target of. The oldest-looking one threw Hwawoon a look of exasperation before he pulled his glasses from under his chin to the bridge of his nose, spotty skin contrasting against the gold of the frame.

“It says ‘Termination of Employment’,” He said, his voice carrying a hint of resigned acceptance. “Look,” He pulled the glasses off before pushing his index and thumb against the skin expanding over his eye. “If you let go of us and sue us while…”

“Don’t be utterly absurd, Kyungho! They can’t fire us, this whole rubbish they presented is a hoax and a joke.” Daehee snapped at the older man. “Keep your head out of the gutter.”

“How did you guys ever decide on anything? Or is Daehee the main mean girl who bullies all of you into submission with each decision made since taking over?” Drina asked, sounding somewhat curious.

“You don’t…”

“I am tired of…”

“Aish, all this yammering and bickering,” Kyungho groaned before turning his attention to you. “You all seem prepared and all. I’m sure you mean what you say and don’t plan on backing down. But you do have to see, we…” He waved his extended thumb to the rest of the board with a flick of his wrist. “...are not your average Joes. I understand you have dissipated your financial stability to gain the majority you flaunt over us now, which makes me believe you are not ready to take any punches at all at court. But to answer the question, I never really cared what this board does. What I do care for is to leave just as I came to this place.”

“There won’t be any punches,” Hwawoon replied before you could make a sound. “You won’t be given the chance with so much on the table. Additionally, can you truly say my clients don’t have financial stability given who they are, who cares about them, and who seems to be trusting them with their company? Even if you subtract the substantial income they look forward to by end of their first complete month in position, I’m sure you can imagine what kind of wealth it entails to be the spouse of the most desired musical act of our generation.”

“That very much depends on the current state their relationship is given they couldn’t have been in contact in the past nearly half a year.” The elderly shrugged as if the words directed at him meant nothing.

“Whatever do you mean? I just talked with Tae before we entered the building.” You had the nerve to blink widely as if you didn’t understand where he was coming from.

“Again with the lies…

“Where is he then?” Kyungho put his jaw in his hand.

“Home, of course.” You tilted your head questioningly.

“The members of BTS have to be in Los Angeles, could you just stop with this humbug?!”

“No, Daehee. I think she means it.” Kyungho hushed the yelling man. “It is high time for all of you to recognize we truly are under threat.”

“It doesn’t matter...” Moonyoung shrugged. “...what you recognize or not. You are officially out of a business contract with this company and will have no further contact with Hybe Entertainment. The induction documentation responsible for assigning your position as a member of the board of directors ensures you cannot and will not say anything about Hybe, its current or previous employees unless you want to fix another court date in your calendars. Once the verdicts to all the claims cited to you by Hwawoon-ssi earlier will be announced, you will either be penniless or will have to do community service to pay off the remaining money you owe either the state or my client.”

“If you think we won’t fight this…” White Jacket bubbled up, finding his voice in a lower register.

“You can, actually, you are welcome to!” Hwawoon smacked his hands together. “Those dossiers were collected and bound with having our future opponent colleagues in mind in case you neglect to tell them the full extent of your actions.”

“Keeping in mind you will find an attorney who is ready to take on the Prime Minister’s representative.” Moonyoung was almost purring, a blade of sunlight shining across her face. “And if she is on board, I would gladly add to the pile the lovely assistant’s case in the back regarding direct physical assault and verbal harassment, free of charge.”

“I’ll pay you for it.” You commented firmly.

“I’ll do it with her, pro bono.” Hwawoon leaned back, his arms woven together behind his head. “I think we make a good team, right Moonyoung-ssi?”

“What do you say, Sunny?” You turned in your chair around to look at her, but she had her eyes cast to the floor, lips quivering. You could feel Drina lean in for her side too and she leveled you with a glance, her gaze turning gentle for a moment before she spoke.

“I think it is time for you to leave.” She commanded the men.

“I’ll have to escort them to IT first,” Youngjoon spoke for the first time since you entered the meeting room. “Company phones and cars have to be taken back, and accesses and prerogatives terminated from our systems.” He stood from his seat, fixing his suit before politely bowing towards you. “That was been…an experience. Thank you. Please give us a moment to have security arrive, I’ve just requested their help.”

“We can do that,” You inclined your head.

Hwawoon easily got up, making steady steps somewhere behind you as you watched the five men deal with what they’d heard in their own ways. Kyungho was on his phone, hiding his mouth as he spoke in a low voice, body turning away from the table. The louder men kept saying outlandish statements of denial and threats but most of it didn’t land on your ears, not registering the details. Cigarette voice hung his eyes on you for a moment before turning away, licking his lips as if it was a nervous tick.

A loud pop echoed through the room, a few of you jumping in your seats while Daehee threw his hands up in front of his face as Hwawoon started pouring out the iced champagne into flutes. Moonyoung was right beside her colleague handing out the filled glasses, offering you one with a smooth sweep which you wordlessly took from her and then placed on the table right after.

“Yah, how could you…”

“Sore losers, I presume.” Hwawoon smiled at Cigarette voice.

“Disrespectful lot,” White Jacket spat on the carpet just a moment before there was a stern knock on the door. Dal waited for a moment before Drina motioned for him to open the door, about a dozen security guards came inside dressed in black suits with white button-downs under.

“Thank you for coming, gentlemen,” Youngjoon spoke clearly before pointing to you and Drina still sitting by the table with an outstretched palm. “Please take a moment and meet the new leaders of Hybe Entertainment, Chairwoman Adrienne and Chairwoman Y/n. They should be your main priority starting from this day forward. The gentlemen before you have been demoted, their connections to this company severed and legal proceedings against them are in place.” He had to raise his voice as one of the Hybe guards attempted to motion for the five men to leave, earning a slap on his hand from Daehee as White Jacket raised his voice again. “Please escort them to the necessary departments to strip them of the belongings given to them by the company. Have Oh Sooa check everything.”

“Ladies,” Yooshik bowed after he stood from his seat as well before facing the growing commotion by the door. “Gentlemen,” Offering a tilt of his head to Bang PD and then Hwawoon, he followed after his colleague who tried to lead the stony-faced guards out as the detained five men used whatever means they preferred to fight them off.

“How unseemly,” Moonyoung noted sarcastically as they slowly but loudly filed out.

“Sort of what we were expecting, right?” You allowed yourself to let your focus lose aim on the expanse of the table’s surface. “I’m not sure we did everything we said we would.”

“It’s like there is this… white noise in your brain, right?” Drina let her back drop against her seat, her hair scattering over her neck.

“If you have forgotten to say anything, it should be fine.” Hwawoon kept his eyes on the door, intently listening to the drama that was happening outside. “The main points have been delivered.”

“It’s like… I know I had things I wanted to say, replies to give but it's slippery. I think I’ll remember what was unsaid next month just before falling asleep. I know it’s there but… I can’t even recall what did we say.” Drina nodded at your words, her gaze growing hazy.

“That is perfectly normal, that is why most of us take notes and prep reading cards when starting out in this business.” Moonyoung gently noted.

You didn’t know what was happening. You were expecting relief, freedom, and maybe a little joy being done with this meeting. There was plenty of reason to celebrate, but your mind was foggy. It wasn’t time slowing down around you, it was your mind dropping everything to do nothing, to think about nothing, to let go finally. The glass of champagne developed some chill on the outer rim of its curve, bubbles floating to the surface in neat rows. You could hear them talk around you, glasses clinking, but instead of wanting to join them, you felt exhausted and heavy. Aimless.

“Well,” Bang Shihyuk unfolded his hands on his lap before he turned to face you. “I believe I owe you a tremendous debt now. You delivered as promised. Hybe is through the worst of it.”

“Oh, you still have plenty on your hands,” Drina muttered. “If… “

“If it’s you who will be helming this place again.” You finished for her instinctively, tearing your gaze from the smooth tabletop to look at the PD.

“Are you alright?” He asked, the softness of his voice making your throat clench.

“I’m not sure.” You answered truthfully.

“Is it hard to believe?”

“What?” You croaked.

“That it is over? That you may breathe easier.”

“I don’t know if that is true, do I?”

His face fell a bit, shooing away the man who held his wheelchair in place.

“I will take care of it. The company, the scandals, and the legal proceedings. You won’t be burdened by Hybe anymore.”

“I don’t…” You had to lean back to breathe easier. The harness was not letting you slouch and it wasn’t comfortable anymore.

“You two should keep your shares. If anything happens, I know you will take care of it.”

“Shouldn’t you make sure there won’t be anything to take care of anymore?” Drina’s voice sounded hard and resolute to your ears, but she was saying the same thing the tiny, angry voice in your chest was.

“I will try my best. Better than this time - there were lessons to be learned here.”

“Is Jiwon coming back?” You had to clear your throat before you asked your question, your gaze dropping back to the stream of bubbles growing in your glass.

“I’ll certainly try to persuade him. Did he do a good job?”

“He was kind.”

“That’s important.” The PD hummed, probably waiting for more input, but you didn’t give him anything further.

“Y/n-ah,” Drina called you quietly.

“Yeah?” About 5 strings of bubbles were floating toward the surface of your drink.

“I think we should get going,”

There was something in her tone, a lingering sense of hope perhaps. A hint of brightness, weightlessness. And as heavy as you felt, damp and blue, you wondered for a moment if you’ll be alright when you get home. If it will get better instead of worse. His tone was painful and you wondered if you are ready to tackle the reason behind it. Take on another responsibility after being done with Bang Shihyuk’s.

“...yeah. Yeah, we should.”

Moonyoung was introducing the two men who have come with the PD to Saem and Hwawoon as you pushed back your chair, feeling the slight pushback of the carpet. They were just asking whether it would be alright to hand their patient a glass of champagne as well, the man in the wheelchair carefully bantering with his doctor as Hwawoon reached for the bottle. It felt like they were in their own world, and as much as it would have been the polite thing to join them you felt relief when Drina hooked her arm into yours, quietly taking steps away from them until you were crossing the threshold of the meeting room without being noticed. A pair of Hybe guards were standing outside, bowing immediately upon seeing you as they greeted you by title.

“I’m not going to get used to this,” Drina murmured in her first language and you hummed in agreement.

“Could you please take us home? Separate cars, if possible.” You asked, unsure if you are saying it the right way.

“Of course, Chairwoman-nim! Please, this way, Chairwoman-nim!”

Oh boy.

They lead you straight to the elevator, their posture unnervingly stiff and rigid as they turned on their heels before pushing the correct button leading downstairs. It shouldn’t have been a surprise to see rows upon rows of Mercedes Benz parking in neat lines as the doors slid open to the cold air of the garage. You were led to a midnight blue one while Drina’s was pearly white, doors opening almost simultaneously for you to slide inside. When did the men get the car keys, how they knew which one was the correct car or do they know the address you wanted to go to was beyond you. The cream interior was cool to the touch as you situated yourself inside, feeling like an impostor when a low buzz came from your phone.

The screen lit up in your hand just as the Hybe guard turned the engine on, the purring of the car canceling out the noise your phone made.

“Where would you like to go, Chairwoman-nim?”

You softly told him the address, your eyes glued to the incoming call from Moonyoung and then one from Saem. A text message came through from Drina about her reluctance to answer, her car already pulling out from the underground garage. It would have been a lie to say you didn’t feel bad you left all of them behind, but you didn’t care anymore about the company nor the celebration of them finally being in the same room. You were more of an outsider than Hwawoon at this point, the title the driving guard addressing you with sounding like a lie each time you heard it.

You tried to reason with yourself, you really did.

Besides a few smaller circ*mstances, you should be happy right now.

Yet, the clutch within you was firm and ice cold. Nothing was coming toward you anymore, no possible danger to harm you besides Taehyung not feeling the same anymore - even that fear was thrown off by his call about an hour ago. Still, the weights didn’t go away, the vacuum-like numbness pulling everything into a void.

You could sense the man checking on you the closer you got to your destination, the familiarity of the neighborhood making your palms sweat. Before the current of events could rip the opportunity away, you quickly typed up a message to Joohyun, telling her briefly how it went okay, you were going home, and that you’ll reach out when you can. Shutting the phone closed with a faint click, you hung your gaze back on the outside world again, watching the houses pass you by.

There was no reason, nothing…

The car stopped.

You were here.

You were home.

The driver was out of his seat before you could say anything… before you could try to change your mind. He pulled the door open for you, politely holding out his hand for you to take. You didn’t know what to do with him, didn’t know what to say as he stood there, waiting for further instructions.

“I-uh… Thank you for the ride. Please go back to Hybe and carry on as you would.” There was a flicker running over his face before he schooled it neutral again, bowing deeply as you turned to go to the front door leading inside. It only then occurred to you how you did not have anything on you besides your phone, hair tie, and maybe two bobby pins with a small card holder with your essential IDs in them.

The security system was unlocked, and your fingerprint easily opened the door with a melodic notification. Only when closing it behind you did you hear the driver hop back in the car and leave, offering you a moment of solitude amid the budding bamboo trees. The air felt crisp on your throat, chilly enough to hold your arms to your chest but not quite cold to make you hurry inside. Each step upwards felt stretched out, each click of your heels echoing in your head. Your reluctance slyly whispered to your heart, saying things you wouldn’t want to think about. Drops of water darkened the stones leading up to the house, the rain forcing you to move faster as the smell of rain filled your lungs like a comforting balm.

Your shoes drummed louder on the wood panels making up the porch and you stared down at the door, the pour of the rain hitting the roof insistently. The doorknob was freezing under your hands, your fingertips gripping on tightly before you let out a long, burdened exhale, pushing the door open.

It was dark inside.

It felt… empty.

No noise, no sign of life. For a split second, you questioned if the call did actually happen. When was the moment you’ve fallen asleep and the nightmare began? The silence bore down on you, crushing your shoulders. Deciding to check the bedrooms, you took your shoes off carefully, leaving your handbag with the pair of heels.

Your feet automatically went left, aiming for Jimin’s and Hoseok’s room which made zero sense. But you couldn’t help yourself, beating around the bush as you quietly put your hand on the open door when you heard something behind you.

And you knew .

He knew you knew.

There was no need to look back to confirm it.

The uncontrolled cry he made had the fine hairs on your arm stand and you only had time to turn halfway before he closed the distance, arms wrapping around your waist as he crushed you against the wall between the two doors leading to his members’ rooms.

It was too much.

The softness of his hair pressing into your cheek, the musky sandalwood of his scent present in your nose. The warmth of his skin over your dress. The husky, breathy noises coming from your shoulder as he held on. The way he bunches up the material on your back, his exhales hot on your skin. The fact he was there after months of fear, yearning, and pain.

It took a moment before you burst.

All the weight you have carried, the cold solitude. The loneliness and the diminishing hope. The yelling, the swearing. The echoing hate wherever you looked. The burn of the harsh touches through your clothes. The self-loathing and the hours spent putting yourself down for everything that has happened. The dark tunnel you burrowed yourself in the moment the post broke the bubble of privacy protecting you from the outside world.

You didn’t know when did you start to claw at his back, fingers sinking into his soft shirt harshly. You didn’t know who was holding who as your knees felt pinned to the wall so you wouldn’t fall over. It was impossible to tell who was suffering louder, who had less air in their lungs. Who needed the other for more comfort. To feel safe. To be at peace.

Just as time started to lose its meaning and it started to become easier to think straight, he turned just sideways enough to kiss up your neck, rubbing his chin familiarly before he put his forehead against yours, hiccups making his nose bounce into yours.

“You’re here,” He managed out, tear-ridden lashes barely allowing his eyes open. “You’re really here.”

“... I think so?”

“Silly girl, what took you so long?”

“I-uh… I don’t…” Your breathing became labored again, his half-hearted joke backfiring.

“Sweetheart, it’s okay, I didn't mean to…” Before you could try to think about an answer, he pulled you to his shoulder, gently pressing your head under his jaw, his free arm securing under the small of your back.

He wouldn’t have thought having you in his arms, fighting for your breath would help him come over his burdens. He had no way of explaining it, but the more you allowed yourself to unravel, letting all the pain and misery out, his ache diminished in comparison. He later wondered if this was the first time his instincts as a husband have kicked in or if this was just the way it would have been if you were to ever need him the way you did that day. He held you steady as you went through it all and once it subdued enough, he lead you to the couch in the living room, carefully undoing the harness before tucking you in. There were no words exchanged, but he understood when your expression dropped when he moved towards his phone to text the others. He hurried to make the few-step journey to the kitchen aisle and back to you, crawling to the nook you curled up into with his phone in hand.

It felt like no time has passed when he settled down, the ease with which he fit his body next to yours, the way his arm fit right under the curve of your neck. The tightening of your hands on his back was all the reassurance he needed to know you still felt the same, the feeling of you burrowing your face under his jaw the reminder you needed him just as much as he needed you.

But this time, it was he who did the comforting.

Clumsily typing up a message to the group chat they’ve recently formed on their new phones, he sunk the gadget between two pillows before he let his head fall on the stack of pillows supporting your torsos, breathing in your scent.

There are moments in life when you finally get what you wanted. A prize after working hard. An award the fans gifted them with. A well done concert after months of preparation. He could think of scenarios when his body was full of joy, bursting at the seams, but none of them felt like this. This was quiet, a brimming sense of bliss. Knowing you were back and slowly falling asleep tangled up with him on the couch was something he couldn’t quite put into words, but then again, he wasn’t good with words. His eyelids grew heavier, a smile curling his lips as his phone buzzed now and then with notifications, but he didn’t check what was going on. He could do that later.

He was finally at peace.

Singularity - Chapter 71 - CloudDancer - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.